Author Research – Gems in Paranormal Gloucestershire

Author research in Gloucestershire for me means a photography trip as well, in order to gather the best images to go with my stories. This is for my forthcoming nonfiction book ‘Paranormal Gloucestershire‘ which is to be published by Amberley and which I will deliver to the publishers before October 2024, for publication in 2025.

On the way I find unexpected delights which have nothing to do with ghosts – and I include pictures of them, for they are places ‘haunted by beauty’.

Here, then, is a foretaste of some of the photos that will be in the book. They are, from top to bottom and left to right,

GLOUCESTER: Dick Whittington’s; the Cathedral; The New Inn

ARLINGHAM: Slowwe House

ST BRIAVEL’S: St Briavel’s Castle

NEWNHAM: the River Severn

LITTLEDEAN: Littledean Hall, Littledean Jail Museum

GLOUCESTER: the Old Prison; The Fleece; and Blackfriars.

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Hello! My name’s Sheila and I write under the pen name of SC Skillman. I live in Warwick with my husband and son, and my daughter currently lives and works in Australia.

I was born and brought up in Orpington, Kent, and have loved writing most of my life. I studied English Literature at Lancaster University, and my first permanent job was as a production secretary with the BBC. Later I lived for nearly five years in Australia before returning to live and work in the UK. 

My output includes psychological, paranormal and mystery fiction, and historical and paranormal nonfiction. Each of my nonfiction books is illustrated by 100 original full colour photos, mostly taken by myself, and others by my son and daughter (both talented photographers!)

In March 2023 I was the Nonfiction Adjudicator at the Scottish Association of Writers Annual Conference in Glasgow. I’m a member of the Society of Authors and the Association of Christian Writers.

My nonfiction books on Warwickshire are published by Amberley and include Paranormal Warwickshire, Illustrated Tales of Warwickshire and A-Z of Warwick. I’m now researching a fourth book for Amberley: Paranormal Gloucestershire. I also have a new light gothic horror novel in progress.

In addition to my published books, I blog weekly on about books and films I love, people and places of inspiration, life, spirituality, history and travel.

I’m also a public speaker and have spoken to many groups and organisations about Paranormal Warwickshire, Illustrated Tales of Warwickshire, the quirky tales of Warwick, the art of writing nonfiction, and the power of story. Do get in touch with me if you’d like a speaker for your group!

Published by SC Skillman

I'm a writer of psychological, paranormal and mystery fiction and non-fiction. My nonfiction books 'Paranormal Warwickshire', 'Illustrated Tales of Warwickshire' and 'A-Z of Warwick' are published by Amberley Publishing. Find all my published books here:

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