Australia and New Zealand Mini Series Part 13: Bellingen, Charming Small Town in New South Wales

This is the thirteenth in my series of short reflections on different places in Australia and New Zealand, which I visited in November 2019. In my last post I shared some stories about the history of Hat Head National Park and Smoky Cape Lighthouse on the New South Wales coast. Making our way north fromContinue reading “Australia and New Zealand Mini Series Part 13: Bellingen, Charming Small Town in New South Wales”

Goodness, Kindness and Love Amidst Tragedy: Let Your Light Shine in the World

From out of the mouths of children… Last week I took part in “Experience Church”, a special event for children in St Mark’s Church, Leamington Spa.   The event was organised by Ros Davies our lovely and energetic Children and Family Worker. 130 Brownies and Guides toured four “stations” in our church, in groups ofContinue reading “Goodness, Kindness and Love Amidst Tragedy: Let Your Light Shine in the World”