Thoughts on ‘Witch Child’ by Celia Rees

Today I share my review of ‘Witch Child‘ by Celia Rees, now out in a special 20th Anniversary edition. This is a compelling historical novel of the arrival of a group of Puritans in New England in 1650, of their encounters with the Native Indians, and a tale not only of religious intolerance but ofContinue reading “Thoughts on ‘Witch Child’ by Celia Rees”

A Deep Spirituality and Wisdom That Touches the Heart, from Some of the World’s Greatest Mystics

Imagine you could step into the Monastery right now – perhaps like the one which we saw in the 2005 TV series, or even the one in this image – and move apart from all the frantic busyness and stress and tension of your life, and receive some deep wisdom from the heart of theContinue reading “A Deep Spirituality and Wisdom That Touches the Heart, from Some of the World’s Greatest Mystics”

Psychology, Spirituality and Family Relationships – a Volatile Mix

On 4th September, on the fourth day of my Mystical Circles blog tour, blogger Susan Hampson hosted a guest post from me on her blog Books From Dusk till Dawn. This is part of a series in which I reblog my articles from that blog tour.  So today’s post is the article Susan first publishedContinue reading “Psychology, Spirituality and Family Relationships – a Volatile Mix”

A Passionate Spirit and Mystical Circles: Give Books for Christmas

Waterstones’ current slogan is Give books for Christmas. And I must admit I could find no better message to give those passing by my stall at the Clapham Terrace School Christmas Fair on Friday – unless of course it be Roald Dahl’s observation in “Matilda”: If you are going to get anywhere in life youContinue reading “A Passionate Spirit and Mystical Circles: Give Books for Christmas”

People of Inspiration: Russ Parker, Poet, Priest, Author, and Champion of Celtic Spirituality and Healing Dreams

My upcoming novel A Passionate Spirit tells the story of a young woman who defies a sinister spiritual healer. The novel is about a conflict between good and evil, and I am fascinated by the idea of great beauty used to mask malevolent spiritual power. But the story also deals with the subject of healing, and whatContinue reading “People of Inspiration: Russ Parker, Poet, Priest, Author, and Champion of Celtic Spirituality and Healing Dreams”

Book Review: “Earthed” published by Mystic Christ Press: Bridging the Gap Between Christianity and Paganism

This fascinating book came into my hands because I belong to a Facebook group called Mystic Christ and heard about the publication of this collection of essays by authors with both Christian affiliation and a desire to express spirituality through nature connection. This sounded like a book after my own heart. For many years IContinue reading “Book Review: “Earthed” published by Mystic Christ Press: Bridging the Gap Between Christianity and Paganism”

Challenging False Ideas of God: The Judge-Who-Could-Never-Be-Pleased, or Perfect Love and Limitless Goodness?

‘”These things are sent to try us.” This is just one among many cliches in the English language that we use without thinking. Yet how often do we stop to realise they are meaningless? Who sends these hard things to ‘try’ us? An almighty sadist in the sky? This  stands as one of the most popularContinue reading “Challenging False Ideas of God: The Judge-Who-Could-Never-Be-Pleased, or Perfect Love and Limitless Goodness?”

Mystical Circles Romance and Psychological Suspense Free Promotion Bonanza!

Mystical Circles is on free giveaway to Goodreads members for the next month! Five copies of the paperback second edition are on offer. Goodreads Members, get on over there and sign up for the giveaway! Mystical Circles is also FREE ON KINDLE FOR 5 DAYS STARTING NOW! ROMANCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SUSPENSE IN THE HEART OFContinue reading “Mystical Circles Romance and Psychological Suspense Free Promotion Bonanza!”

Darkness into Light: Celtic Spirituality

Heart of Darkness, Sharing the Darkness, embracing the darkness – the archetypal theme of darkness versus light is ever-present in our lives, through books, movies, media, faith, life experience. Last week – on the night of the full moon – I was at a Celtic Christian service in the 13th century church at Morton Bagot,Continue reading “Darkness into Light: Celtic Spirituality”

Seeking Personal Growth; and Sitting at the Feet of a Charismatic Guru

We find ourselves in a culture where many seek answers to the deep issues of life in spirituality, beyond the boundaries of organized religion. Different needs within people draw them to seek spiritual relief – and for some, esoteric New Age spiritual groups hold a strong appeal. You’ll meet some of those who are attractedContinue reading “Seeking Personal Growth; and Sitting at the Feet of a Charismatic Guru”