New book on the way: Paranormal Gloucestershire

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve just signed a contract to write a fourth book for Amberley which is Paranormal Gloucestershire. I’ve already begun visiting some of the fascinating locations in Gloucestershire which have a rich history and are surrounded by many curious tales. These include some of the locations shown above: Woodchester Mansion, TewkesburyContinue reading “New book on the way: Paranormal Gloucestershire”

Author Research – Gems in Paranormal Gloucestershire

Author research in Gloucestershire for me means a photography trip as well, in order to gather the best images to go with my stories. This is for my forthcoming nonfiction book ‘Paranormal Gloucestershire‘ which is to be published by Amberley and which I will deliver to the publishers before October 2024, for publication in 2025.Continue reading “Author Research – Gems in Paranormal Gloucestershire”

Book Review: ‘The Little Stranger’ by Sarah Waters

It’s not often I come across a novel so strong that it reaches out into my thoughts and life while I’m reading it so that I can’t wait to get back to it. Sarah Waters, however, is one novelist who does indeed write stories like this. In The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters, the centralContinue reading “Book Review: ‘The Little Stranger’ by Sarah Waters”

Strange Tales from Paranormal Warwickshire Part 3: Shakespeare’s Ghosts and Spirits

When it comes to William Shakespeare‘s own beliefs about ghosts and spirits, scholars and actors hold divergent views. ‘Did Shakespeare believe in ghosts and spirits?” said the actor who led the Stratford-upon-Avon town ghost tour. “One hundred per cent! Of course he did!” And the unspoken corollary to that was, of course, so do allContinue reading “Strange Tales from Paranormal Warwickshire Part 3: Shakespeare’s Ghosts and Spirits”

Strange Tales From Paranormal Warwickshire Part 2: Guy’s Cliffe

Today I continue my series with the second episode: the mysterious ruined manor house off the Coventry Road, Warwick. The land at Guy’s Cliffe has been a magnet for Celtic hermits, holy people, and legendary heroes since well before the Norman Conquest, and for medieval historians and the Warwick earls later. The combination of wildContinue reading “Strange Tales From Paranormal Warwickshire Part 2: Guy’s Cliffe”

Paranormal Warwickshire Extracts Part 1: Guy’s Cliffe, Warwick

This is the first in a series of ten posts which will take us up to the date of publication of my new book Paranormal Warwickshire, out from Amberley Publishing on 15th November. This richly illustrated compilation of strange tales from Shakespeare’s county can be pre-ordered now from all online bookstores, and from Warwick BooksContinue reading “Paranormal Warwickshire Extracts Part 1: Guy’s Cliffe, Warwick”

Glimpses of Paranormal Warwickshire Part 2: Warwick Castle

This is the second in my series of glimpses into the subject of my new book, Paranormal Warwickshire, which will be published by Amberley Publishing on 15th November 2020. Here is the classic view of Warwick Castle, seen from the town bridge as you enter Warwick from the south. This magnificent medieval fortress makes aContinue reading “Glimpses of Paranormal Warwickshire Part 2: Warwick Castle”

Come and Have Fun in the Birmingham NEC 31st May to 2nd June 2019 and Find the Authors on the Author Stand at the UK Games Expo 2019

Once again the Birmingham NEC will be taken over by the UK Games Expo this year at the end of May. And between Friday 31st May and Sunday 2nd June 2019 there will be a fabulous atmosphere and loads of fun for all those who love games, fantasy, roleplay, cosplay and… books about adventure, fantasy,Continue reading “Come and Have Fun in the Birmingham NEC 31st May to 2nd June 2019 and Find the Authors on the Author Stand at the UK Games Expo 2019”

London Scenes Through Different Eyes

I visited London one day recently and whilst there took the opportunity to do a bus tour of the city. London was my home in the past (in the Bayswater area) for eight years. Also I was a regular visitor from Orpington during my childhood and teens, since I lived twenty five minutes train rideContinue reading “London Scenes Through Different Eyes”

Genre: What is it Exactly?

On  2nd September on the second day of my Mystical Circles blog tour, blogger Jenny in Neverland hosted a guest post from me on her blog. This is part of a series when I shall be re-blogging those articles from that blog tour. So today’s post is the article Jenny first published, called: Genre: whatContinue reading “Genre: What is it Exactly?”